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Troy Firefighters Make Fast Work Of A Second Alarm Fire On Eighth Street

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March 03, 2021 | NEW YORK JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER, Senior Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

On March 3, 2021 at 10:55 PM, The City of Troy’s Fire Department responded to 404 8th Street for a reported structure fire. The caller reported something on fire behind the house. Engine four, engine two, engine one, truck two, medic four, the rescue squad, and the battalion chief responded to the scene.

Engine four arrived on scene and had a 2 1/2 story wood frame structure with nothing showing. As firefighters investigated the incident, firefighters had smoldering garbage between two houses and firefighters stretched a hand line to wet down the garbage. As firefighters were investigating the house they had a smoke condition on the second floor and began to investigate further. As firefighters began to investigate further the smoke condition on the second floor intensified. Command transmitted to signal thirty and requested the second alarm for additional manpower to the scene from the Watervliet Arsenal, and the City of Watervliet.

As firefighters started to pull apart the walls and ceilings they discovered they had fire running the walls of the home. Firefighters from the truck company made their way to the roof and started to vent the building. Interior crews brought in two additional hand lines into the house one to the first floor and the other to the second floor. Heavy smoke started to push from the eaves of the house and the second floor. Firefighters conducted horizontal ventilation on the windows in the front of the house. Firefighters began to knock down the fire condition on both floors. Crews also pulled apart the front of the house to check for extension into the front portion of the walls. Firefighters had moderate smoke pushing from the vent hole while crew started to bring the fire under control.

Firefighters were able to bring the fire under control in about 20 minutes. No firefighters were injured on scene and the Red Cross was brought in to assist the individuals displaced by the fire. The fire is under investigation at this time.

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