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Truck Fire

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Fall River, Ma. On March 5th, 2025 around 1:00 pm. 911 communications began receiving calls for a dump truck on fire. Three separate locations were called in for this fire. One caller reported the location as Route 24, another location was called in as the Dave's Beach boat launch area. Because of the location confusion, two engines and a ladder were dispatched in an attempt to locate this incident. In the meantime a call was received from 20 Development Way a local contractor reporting one of their dump trucks on fire. Companies arrived to find a large dump truck with the engine compartment and interior fully involved. Engine 4 attacked the fire while Engine 5 supplied their tank water to complete extinguishment.

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KENNETH LEGERCorrespondent

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