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North Patchogue FD Handles Large Brush Fire with Multiple Sheds Burning

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

On Sunday March 2nd 2025 at 3:44 PM the North Patchogue Fire Department was dispatched to a residence on Sycamore Street for a reported brush fire. First arriving units encountered a large brush fire with multiple sheds on fire. The alarm was then upgraded to a structure fire due to exposure issues. North Patchogue Fire Department Engine 5-17-4 arrived first due and stretched multiple hand lines. Mutual aid was provided by the Blue Point Fire Department and Patchogue Fire Department. The fire is currently under investigation by the Town of Brookhaven Fire Marshal Office and Suffolk County Police Department Arson Section. All units operated under the command of North Patchogue Fire Department 5-17-30.

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