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Yantic Brush Fire Threatens Sheds

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

At 10:41 pm on Sunday, 3/2/2025 the Yantic Fire Company was dispatched to the area 150 North Wawecus Hill Road for a brush fire. Engine 31 arrived at 10:52 and stretched their booster line into the field. Engine 32 positioned in the driveway and initially stretched their booster line. Then they stretched a 1.75” hose line to protect two sheds. 

Engine 33 laid 200’ of five inch supply line up the driveway and nursed Engine 32 with a three inch hose line. Engine 33 stretched their booster line over the rock wall and began knocking fire.

Car 30 established command and requested East Great Plain ET-51 and Engine 52 at 10:55. Both of EGP’s rigs sent water up the hill and provided manpower to assist. Crews were on scene cleaning up until after midnight. 

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RYAN FLAHERTYCorrespondent

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