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EMS Council of New Jersey Installs Officers for 2022

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February 14, 2022 | NEW JERSEY SYLVIE MULVANEY, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Congratulations to our EMS Council of New Jersey officers for 2022!

President:Paula Weiler

Executive Vice Presidents: Northern Area - Tarcisio Nunes, Central Area - John Butterweck, Southern Area - Immediate Past President Barbara Platt

Secretaries: Cyndy Reardon (Council), Sue DeWitt (Membership)

Treasurers: Kenneth Weinberg, Edward J. Burdzy (Assistant)

District Vice Presidents: 1st District - Anthony Murtha, 2nd District - Kari Phair, 3rd District - John Tymon, 4th District - Jim Wisnieski, Jr., 5th District - Marylyn Kampo, 6th District - Rosemary C. Tempesta, 8th District - Barbara Nelson, 9th District - Steve Kurs, 10th District - Mary Luster, 11th District - Paul Kennedy, 12th District - Edna Deacon, 13th District - Eric Rudd, 14th District - Alfred M. Low-Beer, 15th District – James Ambro, 16th District - Kim Iadanza, 17th District - Mary Claire Shiber, 18th District - Alison Wallin, 20th District - Vikki Castellano, 23rd District - James McAlister, 24th District – Doug Chadwick

The 93-year-old nonprofit EMS Council of New Jersey represents thousands of volunteers affiliated with 230 EMS agencies throughout the Garden State.

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