Hanson Home Deemed Uninhabitable After 2nd Alarm Fire

Photo by Pat Travers/NEFirePhoto.comCompanies found heavy fire in a two car garage attached to the dwelling.

Photo by Pat Travers/NEFirePhoto.com

Photo by Pat Travers/NEFirePhoto.comHanson Firefighter Chris Harris gets a bottle change after coming out.

Photo by Pat Travers/NEFirePhoto.comTwo lines were stretched into the house, with other lines utilized in the garage.

Photo by Pat Travers/NEFirePhoto.comFirefighters Heffernan and Hurley hit hot spots in the garage.

Photo by Pat Travers/NEFirePhoto.comHanson Fire Chief Jerome Thompson.

Photo by Pat Travers/NEFirePhoto.comWhitman Deputy Fire Chief Al Cunningham.

Photo by Pat Travers/NEFirePhoto.comHanson Firefighter Rob Heffernan on a hand line into the garage.
HANSON, MA - Around 5:38 A.M. on the morning of Sunday, February 5th, the Hanson Fire Department responded to a report of a garage fire at 147 Gray Lane. Companies arrived to find moderate fire in a two-car garage, attached to a two-and-a-half story wood-frame occupied dwelling.
The first arriving company, with limited manpower due to a Hanson engine being utilized at a multiple-alarm fire in Abington, made an aggressive attack on the fire and were able to knock down the main body of fire before it entered the house. Hanson Police Officers assisted by dragging supply line up a long driveway to the nearest hydrant. A second-alarm was requested, bringing mutual aid companies from Pembroke, Hanson, East Bridgewater and Halifax to the scene, with a Hanover engine covering Hanson's fire station.
Fire scene rehab services were provided on-scene by the Whitman CERT Team and the Massachusetts Department of Fire Services.
The occupant of the house was able to self-extricate and was uninjured. The home was deemed uninhabitable, with heavy fire damage to the garage, and heat and smoke damage throughout the rest of the house.
Hanson Fire reports the Hanson Police and the Massachusetts State Fire Marshal's Office are investigating the cause of the blaze, although it is not considered to be suspicious. No injuries were reported.
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