Norwich Top Floor Job

Photo by Cam MiltonFirefighters Muscarella and Donahoe throwing a ladder to the third story window.

Photo by Cam Milton Engine 3 crew getting new cylinders.

Photo by Cam MiltonTruck 1 flew the bucket to the roof in case vertical ventilation was needed.

Photo by Cam MiltonSquad A hydraulically ventilating.

Photo by Jen FittsAssistant Chief Erban with FF Christoff, LT Flaherty & FF Parlato. Engine 3 was running Occum's Engine 41 as a loaner.

Photo by Chris PaigeTruck 1 Crew Firefighters Donahoe, Gagnon and Krukoff.

Photo by Chris PaigeMembers repacking the supply line on Squad A.

Photo by Chris PaigeNorwich's Platoon 2 after a third floor job on East Main Street.
At 7:32 pm on Tuesday, 2/4/2025 the Norwich Fire Department with Taftville Tower 25 and Laurel Hill Engine 62 were dispatched to the house next to 488 East Main Street for smoke coming from the building. Battalion 1 and Squad A arrived at 7:36 with smoke showing from the third floor of a 2.5 story wood frame residential house that appeared to be boarded up.
Squad A stretched a 1.75” hose line to the rear, made access and took the interior stairs to the third floor where they found 2 rooms burning. Engine 3 established the water supply from the hydrant across from Hedge Avenue and then went inside to open up. Engine 2 stretched a backup line. Truck 1 set up in the front while 2 of their members searched the second and third floor. All companies worked together overhauling and had the fire under control in about 15 minutes.
Engine 62 performed the secondary search while Tower 25 set up on the Delta side. East Great Plain Rescue 5 filled air cylinders and the Mohegan Tribal Fire Department provided the FAST. The Norwich Fire Marshal’s Office is investigating.