Cape May FD Stays Busy During Weekend Snowstorm

Photo by JUSTIN MATTESCape May Engine 51 and Ambulance 51 clearing snow from the hydrant on the corner of Congress St and Cape May during a recent snow storm

Photo by JUSTIN MATTESCape May Engine 51 and Ambulance 51 clearing snow from the hydrant on the corner of Congress St and Cape May during a recent snow storm
CAPE MAY, NJ - The famous "Cape May Bubble" that usually protects America's old seashore resort from fierce storms, burst over the weekend of February 4th and dumped close to a foot of snow on the city. Due to gusty winds making visibility very difficult, police urged motorists to stay indoors to avoid the bitter cold and hazardous road conditions. Snow drifts rose to almost 10-feet as the Cape May Department of Public Works cleared the roads. The Cape May Fire Department cleared snow and ice from more than 300 hydrants. They also fielded a number of medical calls, activated alarms and stuck vehicles throughout a 24-hour period.