House Fire In Pikesville

Photo by Mike Schwartzberg / PVFCA firefighters works to ventilate the roof of the house.

Photo by Mike Schwartzberg / PVFC

Photo by Mike Schwartzberg / PVFC

Photo by Mike Schwartzberg / PVFC

Photo by Mike Schwartzberg / PVFC

Photo by Mike Schwartzberg / PVFC

Photo by Mike Schwartzberg / PVFC

Photo by Mike Schwartzberg / PVFC
Shortly after 9pm on Wednesday February 2, 2022, Baltimore County units were dispatched for a report of a "neighbor's house on fire" in the 600 block of Milford Mill Rd in Pikesville (Fire Box 2-22). Baltimore County Police Department 4th Precinct units were first on scene and reported fire and smoke coming from a 1-story single family house, a report confirmed by first-arriving BCoFD Engine 2. Firefighters made an aggressive interior attack using several handlines and were able to bring the fire under control in less than an hour.