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Seminole County Fire Department announces newly promoted Lt. Craig Arthur

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January 31, 2022 | FLORIDA DOREEN OVERSTREET, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Congratulations to Craig Arthur on his recent promotion to being a Lieutenant at the Seminole County Fire Department (SCFD) in Seminole County, Florida. Lt. Arthur has worked at the Seminole County Fire Department for eight years and prior to that worked as a firefighter for three years at Brevard County. Lt. Arthur grew up in Seminole County and is proud to serve his hometown. SCFD Interim Fire Chief Matt Kinley was his first Battalion Chief.

β€œThe Seminole County Fire Department is a growing department with endless opportunities. Every employee is provided the tools to develop their career to whatever level they choose, with nobody holding them back besides themselves. I am thankful to all the mentors I have had at the Department and if I can be as half as good as a Lieutenant as they have been, I will consider myself to be a success.” – Lt. Craig Arthur

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