Fire, Ambulance and Police units among two-state holiday parade participants

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelPort Jervis Volunteer Ambulance Corps was judged and awarded as Second Place Most Original Unit, following Matamoras Methodist Church which was awarded First Place in this category.

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelBroome Street Band, which accompanies Howard Wheat Engine Co. in the annual Port Jervis Fire Department Inspection Day Parade, was awarded as Best Musical Unit in the Rick Drew Holiday Parade 2023.

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelMontague Fire Department was among the very festively adorned fire units in the NY/PA Rick Drew Holiday Parade.

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelThere were only a few Montague Fire Department members available to participate in this year's Rick Drew Holiday Parade, but they represented their department very well in both holiday spirit and appearance.

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelHuguenot Fire Company (NY), pictured enjoying post-parade hot chocolate at Matamoras (PA) firehouse, had a festively decorated apparatus and lots of holiday spirt with these members and others who participated in the Rick Drew Holiday Parade.

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelWhat would a parade by without this jolly fellow, transported via Matamoras Fire Department's Tower Ladder 321.

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelMatamoras Fire Department Fire Police members assisted with the annual Rick Drew Holiday Parade, as always.

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelHuguenot Fire Company was among those with both a festively decorated fire apparatus and holiday attired members.
MATAMORAS, PA and PORT JERVIS, NY --- A holiday parade that runs through Port Jervis, NY, across the Delaware River, and through Matamoras, PA is hosted by the Tri-State Chamber of Commerce annually. It includes multiple holiday-adorned fire, ambulance and police department vehicles from both states, as well as multiple departments' festively attired emergency responders.
Dozens of boxes of donuts and gallons of hot chocolate were served at Matamoras Fire Department's firehouse, and five trophiers were awarded, at the conclusion of this year’s evening Rick Drew Holiday Parade. The late Rick Drew, for whom the annual holiday parade was named, was a longtime chairman of this and other community parades, and an active PJFD firefighter.
Pictured are some of the emergency units that participated in this year’s parade, including two affiliated with emergency service that won trophies in specific categories.
Port Jervis Volunteer Ambulance was judged Second Place Most Original Unit (United Methodist Church of Matamoras was First). Broome Street Band (which accompanies PJFD’s Howard Wheat Engine Company #4 in Port’s annual PJFD Inspection Day Parade) was named ‘Best Musical Group’ in the holiday parade.