Fitness test for Pasco County Fire
Photo by Scott LaPradeFirefighter Michael Pagnotta of Station 13 slams the weight bar with a sledgehammer
Photo by Scott LaPradeFf Pagnotta does the stair climb under the watchful eye of Capt Chris Crima
Photo by Scott LaPradeFF Pagnotta pulls a line attached to the sled as Capt Crima watches.
Photo by Scott LaPradeFf Pagnotta demonstrates the push and pull of a pike pole
Photo by Scott LaPradeThe dragging of the sled demonstrates the dragging of a down Ff or victim
Photo by Scott LaPradeThe advancement of a charged line
Photo by Scott LaPradeThe pulling of a line attached to weights
I recently got to witness the fitness test for both active and new recruits for Pasco County Fire and Rescue. The test is done at Station 20 at the Fire Academy under the watchful eye of Capt. Chris Crima, who leads up the academy. The test is to let active firefighters know how important it is to be in shape for the job, as well as the new hires who must pass to get into the academy. The test is run and the time limit is 8 minutes to complete the obstacles.