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We salute you, Barry Longwell!

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Port Jervis, NY – A parade was recently held in Port Jervis in honor of a lifelong resident and longtime fireman. Barry Longwell, who turned 75 this past summer, served as a fire and auxiliary policeman, responding as a fireman and as a fire policeman directing traffic and helping with hundreds of parades, races, fairs, and other community events over many decades of service to the hometown he has always loved.

Longwell has been battling health issues and was grateful for the parade past his home on the same Fourth Ward corner where he has lived all of his life. His wife, Mary, and daughter, Michele and her family, also live on the corner in the Fourth Ward.

It was Michele who asked about the parade for her father, which included dozens of police, fire, ambulance, animal control and other vehicles and participants, all eager to pay tribute to their lifelong colleague and friend.

“It was very, very special to Barry and to all of us that they did this, and also that they stopped in front of our house, got out of their vehicles, and stood on the sidewalk and saluted Barry,” Mary said. “It was also special to us that he put his hand up and saluted back. It was really, really special.”

Always active in his community as a self-employed contractor, volunteer, and for many years as the city’s kind, gentle Animal Control officer, the parade meant a lot to recipient, his family and others gathered to share the day with them.

It was a heartwarming show of respect for a life of service given by a man whom his family said, “always lived for the city of Port Jervis, which he loves.”

“He has always been proud to tell anyone he was from Port Jervis,” said Mary. “This was a day for him.”

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SHARON SIEGELSenior Correspondent

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