A Note About Fire Prevention Week from Milroy Hose Co.

"With fire prevention just around the corner, I’d like to take a moment to make a couple of points from our fire on September 29th. First of all, this fire was knocked down using only one home 2.5 pd fire extinguisher. At the time of the call there was heavy fire in the 'C/D' corner of this multi-unit house. The small extinguisher and the fast response from a neighbor and fellow firefighter resulted in minor damage to the inside of the second floor apartment. The next point, and probably the most important, is that a 3-year-old little girl alerted her dad to the fire. Remember, your kids are never too young to begin talking about fire prevention, and what to do during an event like this. The Milroy Hose Company would like to thank both FF Dustin Musser and his daughter Bailey for their actions that day!"