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Martin Fire/Rescue/EMS Walks for 9/11 Memorial

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

September 11, 2022- Martin, Tennessee. Firefighters from Martin Fire/Rescue/EMS walked from 1440 Fitness to Martin’s Station 1, 2.5 miles away in full turnout gear in memorial to the events of 9/11 and all those lost. An American flag attached to a pike pole was carried in turns by the walkers. The walk was planned by Assistant Chief David Blake, who hoped this might go on to become a yearly event. Hopeful it might grow to include neighboring departments.

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KATE SMITHCorrespondent

I'm an avid photographer and firefighter in northwest Tennessee. To see more of my photography, on and off the fire ground, please visit my portfolio at