South Lockport Volunteers Darla and Eric GO HIGH

Photo by Stephen M WallaceWe meant them as a dating couple at the scene of a fire where Darla gave Eric a " Mommy make it better Kiss".

Photo by Stephen M WallaceThe big day had the normal, lets all stand by the new truck

Photo by Stephen M WallaceThen these two wanted everyone to know they are a firefighting couple, so in the bucket they got

Photo by Stephen M WallaceThen there they were, 101 feet up, and the fresh air took over,like a mile high feeling the kissing started

Photo by Stephen M WallaceKissing kept going on and on. The photographer kept saying, Ah um ahummmm ahhhhhummm

Photo by Stephen M WallaceThis Time Eric took the lead, he helped his Firefighting wife out of the bucket, as a new husband should

Photo by Stephen M WallaceTwo connected as one for life, the life saving tool of firefighters the AX, one was Eric's, one was Darla's, now as on both are Weber's

Photo by Stephen M WallaceThe perfect topping to the cake as they say, and this says, it all
As you remember from last month, you meant Darla and Eric when Darla gave Eric a Mommy make it better kiss at the scene of a fire. On Saturday the 20th the two fire fighting / EMS love birds from South Lockport Volunteer Fire Company changed the two names on two sets of turn out gear, to the same name The Weber's ARE ON SCENE. Like most firefighters they had their reception at their hall, which was amazingly decorated. Like most firefighters they did pictures around the new Bucket truck. However this kissing couple did one better, with the help of an authorization Fire Chief Tim Glaser, and the operation of 1st Ast. Chief Derek Caldwell, Eric and Darla with their private photographer took it high. 101 feet over in the air looking over the Town of Lockport and then some. The fresh air got the better of the newlyweds, as they started kissing, and kissing, and kissing, then finally the bucket was lowered and the groom helped his new wife out of the truck. All and all it was almost like the mile high club, instead, its the aerial 101 foot club and they are the founding club members.