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Fort Meade Receives new pumper Tender

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Fort Meade recently received this custom designed pumper tender from TOYNE. This unit is equipped with a Waterous 1250 pump and 1800 gallons of water and 25 gallons of foam.

The dealer, Tactical Fire was instrumental in designing the unit to further the departments goals and vision for the future. This unit has a foam pro system which also supplies foam to the twin booster reels which greatly increases the wildfire /wildland interface attack capability’s further providing a more extensive tactical element to the community and surrounding areas for suppression.


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ROYCE HORTONCorrespondent

Serving AL, GA, FL, & TN Toyne, Acela Highwater Response Trucks, Firemaster and Lakeland Turnout Gear and more