Good-Will FD Walk Out for Pat D'Angelo

Photo by bob mccormickPat D'Angelo walk out 67 Year Member

Photo by bob mccormickPat D'Angelo walk out 67 Year Member

Photo by bob mccormick Pat D'Angelo walk out 67 Year Member

Photo by bob mccormick Pat D'Angelo walk out 67 Year Member

Photo by bob mccormickPat D'Angelo walk out 67 Year Member

Photo by bob mccormickPat D'Angelo walk out 67 Year Member

Photo by bob mccormickPat D'Angelo walk out 67 Year Member

Photo by bob mccormickPat D'Angelo walk out 67 Year Member
NEWBURGH, NY - On Saturday, September 9th, Pat D'Angelo was going to be picked up by the Chief of Good Will Fire Department for a 9/11 memorial service at the firehouse, so he thought.
Meanwhile, members arrived and Jeffrey Holmes went over a "short version" of what was going to happen. Pat's family was at the firehouse, and past chiefs and members of the department, as well as Good Will's Chaplain, Deacon Peter Haight, were all ready. Everyone lined up in the rear of the firehouse, and Pat and his wife came outside. Jeffrey Holmes announced to Pat that today was his Walk Out.
Assistant Chief Chris Wilson escorted Mrs. D'Angelo to her seat, and Chief of the Department Tom Van Zandt walked Pat down between the members who stood saluting. Pat gave them back a salute. After the ceremony, Pat was given his helmet and past chief's badge, plus the company presented him with a plaque for his 67-years of service.
Pat talked about how things have changed, but the fire department is still family. He thanked everyone who attended and then everyone enjoyed a delicious breakfast by T&M Deli of Washingtonville. A great day for all!