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Fairfield, CT Engine 8

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

This is a very unique truck. Engine 8 is a 1995 Simon-Duplex/Saulsbury 1250/500 with a rear-mounted pump and all lines come off the back with the exception of the car fire line, which is on the bumper. It also has the lowest profile of any apparatus in the town and can fit into tight firehouses like Station 4 with ease. The twin to this apparatus served as Engine 4 from 1995 until its retirement from service in 2018. This engine served as Engine 2 at the Jennings Rd. firehouse from 1995-1999, where it was then moved to Engine 3 on Jackman Ave., where it served from 1999-2006. Engine 8, now in reserve status, continues to serve the town well when called upon in its 28th year of service to the Town of Fairfield.

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