Phoenixville Fire Dept Building Dedication

Photo by Regina JelskiMembers of the Phoenixville Fire Dept gather in front of the new station for a picture

Photo by Regina Jelski

Photo by Regina JelskiIrish Thunder Pipes and Drums

Photo by Regina JelskiPFD Firefighters

Photo by Regina Jelski

Photo by Regina Jelski

Photo by Regina Jelski

Photo by Regina Jelski
On August 20, 2022, the Phoenixville Fire Dept in Chester County, PA closed old doors and opened new ones. The building dedication started with a ceremony of closing the old station on Church St and marched from there to the new station on 150 Paradise St. The parade was led by a member of the Phoenixville Police, followed by the color guard, the mayor, two horses in honor of the apparatus that used to be drawn by horses, the Irish Thunder Pipes and Drums band, Phoenixville Firefighters, and lastly, the Phoenixville Fire Dept apparatus. Ceremonies began with the raising of the American Flag, the state flag, and the dept flag. This was followed by the dept's picture in front of the new station. Opening speeches, prayer, the singing of the National Anthem, the bell ringing, administrative speeches, ribbon cutting, Chief/Officer speeches, and awards were presented before pushing the apparatus into the new station. The apparatus was pushed in by members of different companies. Finally, a reception and firehouse tours were enjoyed by all companies/depts and the surrounding community members.