Dennis FD Tour

Photo by Thomas MarraTour of the Dennis Fire Department in Cape Cod.

Photo by Thomas MarraTour of the Dennis Fire Department in Cape Cod.

Photo by Thomas MarraTour of the Dennis Fire Department in Cape Cod.

Photo by Thomas MarraTour of the Dennis Fire Department in Cape Cod.

Photo by Thomas MarraTour of the Dennis Fire Department in Cape Cod.

Photo by Thomas MarraTour of the Dennis Fire Department in Cape Cod.

Photo by Thomas MarraTour of the Dennis Fire Department in Cape Cod.

Photo by Thomas MarraTour of the Dennis Fire Department in Cape Cod.
Over Memorial Day weekend, I toured a few fire departments in Cape Cod, including the Dennis Fire Department. I went to both Stations 1 and 2 and got a tour of some apparatus at Station 1. Station 2 houses an engine and an ambulance. Station 1 houses a ladder truck, 3 engines, a utility pickup, 3 ambulances, dive team truck, a forestry truck and several boats both in-station and docked on the water. The first piece of apparatus shown off is Ladder 110, a 1994 E-One with a 110-ft. aerial. The ladder is not pre-piped for water, so there is a portable ladder pipe located on the truck. The truck is dedicated in honor of Lt. Paul Mitchell, who lost his life after 9/11. There is also a memorial with two pieces of steel from the World Trade Center to honor those who died. Also toured was Engine 112, a 2021 Pierce with a 500-gallon tank and 1500-GPM pump. There was also an old reserve engine in Station 1 while one of their engines was out of service for repairs. Both Stations 1 and 2 are staffed 24/7 with crews who cross-staff the engines and ambulances. Thank you to the crew for the tours of the apparatus!