Seminole County FD FF Erin Wolfe



At Seminole County Fire Department (Seminole County, FL), we have a great firefighter named Erin Wolfe. FF Wolfe is definitely one of the stars of the department who we categorize as an up-and-comer in the fire service and our department.
Some things she has done and talents she brings to not only the Seminole County Fire Department, but to the community include:
-Serves on our recruitment committee. She was one of our athletes featured in our recruitment campaign (we are spotlighting former athletes turned firefighters). Wolfe was a super star softball player in both high school and got a scholarship to college for it (see softball photos attached)
-A role model for others. On Friday, she went out to support a local girls softball championship recognition after they originally didn’t get trophies.
-An artist. She also has an amazing art talent and has painted fire emblems at her Station 21.
-She keeps improving and learning. She plans to pursue paramedics license next year. She started as a firefighter a little over a year ago.