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Carlstadt Says Goodbye to a Loved Firefighter

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July 17, 2023 | NEW JERSEY RON JEFFERS, New Jersey Editor
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

On the morning of July 15th, Carlstadt and area firefighters lined up in front of Costa Memorial Home to honor and respect the memory of ex-Chief Ed Frey, Jr., 84, who passed away on July 9th, after a short illness.

Frey was better known by many Bergen County firefighters as “Uncle Eddie.” The popular volunteer firefighter was a member of numerous fire related organizations, and he held various responsible positions in them. You could find him at many events throughout the year.

Frey possessed a master plumbing license. After 25-years, he began work for the Borough of Carlstadt, and several other municipalities, as a building inspector. In addition, he became a fire sub code official.

Frey joined the Carlstadt Fire Department in 1960. He rose through the ranks and was named Chief of Department in 1979. 

He loved the fire service, as noted by all of his volunteer time, inspection work, and as a member of those numerous organizations. That included being a member of the NJ State Fire Chief's Association, International Association of Fire Chiefs and the NJ & NY Volunteer Firemen's Association.  

Uncle Eddie was a member of Carlstadt Engine Co. 2. His final run was aboard Engine 2's classic antique Mack “R” model pumper, which passed Fire Headquarters for his final bell alarm before being transported to George Washington Memorial Park, in Paramus.

He loved Carlstadt and he loved the fire service. It was always a pleasure to run into him, at various fire service meetings, and have a good discussion and a few laughs.

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RON JEFFERSNew Jersey Editor

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