North Hudson Firefighter Fernando Astralaga, Firefighter Lisa Napier and Captain Eugene D'Alessandro
Photo by RON JEFFERSIn June, North Hudson Firefighter Fernando Astralaga, left, retired after 23-years of duty to the community, plus his Desert Storm military time serving his country. A gentleman and well-respected firefighter were fully acknowledged by his fellow members during his firehouse retirement lunch. He spent his career on Squad Co. 1, the busiest of the squad companies. Presenting him with retirement gifts were Firefighter Lisa Napier and Captain Eugene D'Alessandro.
In June, North Hudson Firefighter Fernando Astralaga, left, retired after 23-years of duty to the community, plus his Desert Storm military time serving his country. A gentleman and well-respected firefighter were fully acknowledged by his fellow members during his firehouse retirement lunch. He spent his career on Squad Co. 1, the busiest of the squad companies. Presenting him with retirement gifts were Firefighter Lisa Napier and Captain Eugene D'Alessandro.