Cliffside Park Loses a Dedicated First Responder

Photo by RON JEFFERSCliffside Park Firefighter Anthony Lupica, Sr., center, with his son's Anthony, Jr., left, and Carl. Captain Teddy Tarabokija, below, after operating at a fire on March 25th, 2023.

Photo by RON JEFFERSCliffside Park firefighters prepare to take ex-Chief Anthony Lupica, Sr., for his last run through the Borough, June 23rd.
Anthony Lupica, Sr., 50,served his community as a volunteer firefighter for 27-years, rising to the rank of chief. He was also a Department of Public Works supervisor. Lupica passed away on June 17th.
The ex-chief was known to make himself available to help residents of the borough, and his friends, in time of need. A person you could count on.
One example involves assisting a local resident at an emergency call when he was the chief. He helped Mary and her dog, Roxy, and he would continue to check up on them. Every Christmas season, Anthony would drive a department engine around town for the traditional holiday tour, with Mr & Mrs. Claus sitting up above the hose bed. Each season, Anthony would greet Mary and Roxy in front of her house as part of the routine. The chief would give Roxy dog treats as his Christmas gift. It turns out that last December 16th would be their last reunion. The pumper stopped and Anthony and Mary exchanged gifts, with aging Roxy, now having trouble walking, dressed in a traditional holiday coat. All had big smiles. It became a holiday tour tradition.
Chief Lupica was known for his sense of humor and could brighten up a room. Another example. He attended a firehouse Christmas party wear an Easter Bunny costume.
Lupica was a member of the Sons of the American Legion, in honor of his grandfather who served in World War II.
His oldest of three sons, Anthony, Jr. and Carl, have followed in their father's footsteps and they are members of the C.P.F.D. Junior is a company officer.
Ex-Chief Anthony Lupica, Sr., has left a void in the community.