Firefighter Comfort Dog Introduced in Fall River

Photo by K. LegerFF Duddy and Sophie

Photo by K. Leger
Fall River, MA - After trying to comfort distraught young family members at medical and accident scenes, Firefighter Patrick Duddy thought there had to be a better way. FF Duddy approached mamagement and proposed his idea. With his own money and time, he set about finding and training a comfort K9 to respond with Engine 5 to emergency scenes in an attempt to bring comfort and a needed distraction at traumatic scenes. FF Duddy set up a pen in the Globe Station quarters of Engine 5 and incorporated a seat belt harness for the dog in the truck so she can safely ride to the scene. “Sophie Marie” was introduced to the public on June 1st at an event at Christopher’s restaurant who sponsered a “Coffee with Sophie” event. Firefighter Duddy hopes Sophie can bring needed comfort to victims especially the young people who may have just witnessed their parant or guardian having a medical emergency.