Shamokin Dam Fire Dept along with Hummel Whark Fire Dept on display
June 03, 2023 | PENNSYLVANIA
PA BYSTANDER, Correspondent

Photo by PA BYSTANDERShamokin Dam 2018 Spartan and Hummels Wharf 2018 Attack truck
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.
Shamokin Dam Fire Dept. with their 2018 Spartan 1750-gpm pump/750-gallon water tank, along with the Hummels Wharf Fire-Rescue with their 2018 Ford F-550, 500-gpm with a 300-gallon water tank with 10-gallons of B Foam, on display at the Penn Valley Airport for an aviation event while also being on standby at the event.