Memorial for North Hudson Fire Captain Charles (Charlie) Steinel

Mrs. Catherine Steinel welcomed friends, family, active and retired firefighters and township officials to a memorial for North Hudson Fire Captain Charles (Charlie) Steinel, with a tree and plaque memorial in Cooper's Pond Park, Bergenfield, March 2nd. Steinel was a state-wide, popular firefighter. He started his career with the Union City Fire Department and was elected president of FMBA Local 12. Later, he was elected to the position of state FMBA president. He rose to captain with the North Hudson Regional Fire & Rescue and he also conducted fire safety classes at the Bergen County Fire Academy. Continuing his public service after retirement, he also served as a councilman in Bergenfield. The township mayor called him "independent." Charlie called things the way he saw them and gave his best efforts to solve them. He'd give you the shirt off of his back, and he'd also give you a nickname! He is missed by many. To summarize, he was a damn good friend.