Passaic Engine 1 operating at 3 Alarm fire
January 11, 2025 | NEW JERSEY
TODD HOLLRITT, Correspondent

Photo by TODD HOLLRITTPassaic Engine 1 on a frigid night with temperatures hovering at 22-degrees, at a 3-alarm blaze where 13 residents were displaced on January 7th after a fire tore through a two-story wood-frame home at 452 Lafayette Ave. Firefighters arrived in the frigid temperatures, and were challenged by strong winds and downed power lines that hampered operations.
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.
Passaic Engine 1 on a frigid night with temperatures hovering at 22-degrees, at a 3-alarm blaze where 13 residents were displaced on January 7th after a fire tore through a two-story wood-frame home at 452 Lafayette Ave. Firefighters arrived in the frigid temperatures, and were challenged by strong winds and downed power lines that hampered operations.