East Rutherford Fire Dept. brothers Mike & Kevin Felten

Photo by JAMES WOODEast Rutherford FD members and brothers, Mike and Kevin Felten, are pictured here with their children, Kevin Jr. and Abagail, at the East Rutherford installation of officers held on January 1st. Mike and Kevin's father was also on the department and an ex-Chief. Kevin (left) and Mike each have 30 years on the department. Kevin was also an ex-chief two times, and Mike is going on his second time around.
East Rutherford FD members and brothers, Mike and Kevin Felten, are pictured here with their children, Kevin Jr. and Abagail, at the East Rutherford installation of officers held on January 1st. Mike and Kevin's father was also on the department and an ex-Chief. Kevin (left) and Mike each have 30 years on the department. Kevin was also an ex-chief two times, and Mike is going on his second time around.