Photo by RON JEFFERSMembers of the Secaucus Fire Department were recognized for their life-saving actions by the South Bergen Fire Chief's Association, in April.
At the April meeting of the South Bergen Fire Chiefs Association, members of the Secaucus Fire Department were recognized for their bravery. The Hudson County department is part of the South Bergen association, and they provide mutual aid assistance to each other's venues.
On April 8th, 2022, Secaucus volunteer firefighters were dispatched to 777-Fifth St. for a smoke alarm activation on the 4th floor at The Elms senior housing.
Upon arrival, Battalion Chief Lawrence Marciano ascended to the 4th floor to investigate, as Chief of Department Joseph Schoendorf took command. On the 4th floor, B.C. Marciano found heavy smoke in the hallway, originating from apartment 406. Ladder 1's crew brought forcible entry tools and a high-rise pack to the fire floor.
After deploying a hose line, Firefighter Donald Cieciuch and BC Marciano forced entry, and controlled the door, under heavy smoke. Tower 2 members Lt. Victor Paone III and FF Eric Kosky arrived on the floor and, along with Cieciuch made entry into the apartment to perform a primary search. During the search, they came across a victim within feet of the apartment's door. The trio removed the occupant from the smoke-filled apartment, into the hallway.
Lt. Paone applied his SCBA face mask to the victim, for fresh breathing air. During this time, BC Marciano confirmed a working fire to command and assisted with victim removal. He also organized floor operations.
After bringing the victim to the south stairwell, the team was met by FF Victim Paone IV, FF Sean Logan, ex-Chief Carl Lepon III and Captain Troy Conville. The members then brought the victim down four flights of stairs and to Hudson Regional EMTs.
BC Marciano was joined by Deputy Chief Fred Schneider and several members of Engine 2, Tower 2 and Rescue 1 and extinguished the fire.