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Firetown USA

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Wellsboro, PA had been made famous many years ago by articles in Fire Chief magazine, highlighting it's large fleet of American LaFrance apparatus along with it's huge coverage area. I was fortunate this summer to photograph almost the entire fleet of apparatus at Firetown. The current fleet still sports some very late American LaFrance's.

The current fleet is: Engine 1-11, 1994 E-One Protector 1250/1000, Engine 1-1 2003 ALF Eagle/RD Murray 1500/1000 Ex-New Hartford, NY, Engine 1-2 1995 Ford F/E-One 1250/1000, Engine 1-3 2002 ALF Eagle/Squrt, 2000/750/25A/25B Foam/54' Squrt, Ladder 1-9 2002 ALF Eagle/LTI 2000/200/100' mid-mount ladder Ex-Wilkinsburg, PA, Patrol 1-4 1984 Chevrolet 250/250, Patrol 1-14 1989 Dodge/Knaphiede PP/150, Squad 1-18 1997 Ford F-Super Duty/American Fire Rescue, Rescue 1-8 1980 Hahn/Saulsbury/1998 ALF Eagle/Saulsbury. The rescue was in a rollover accident and had a ALF cab placed on, with repairs made to the entire truck. Last is Tanker 1-5 2010 ALF Eagle 1500/3000/25A/25B Foam.

(Thank you to John Pagano and crew for assisting with photos and information.)

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DARIN SMITHCorrespondent

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